Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Flying with Spirit Airline

As I write this, I'm currently sitting at the airport, wondering if my flight would be delayed for the 4th time! 

This flight is with Spirit Airline. My flight from Chicago to Houston was delayed 2hours and their lame excuse was that they "were missing a crew member". What sort of arrant nonsense is that? They shouldn't even utter such. 

Now I sit here, playing the Waiting game. Wondering if I'm going to have to call in at work tomorrow- 7AM shift. If I get to Chicago by midnight, I'll probably be in bed by 2am.

I can assure everyone, and mostly myself that I'll never fly with Spirit again. I'm not even going to delve into ticket prices and how you're made to pay more besides flight purchase. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend!

Happy Memorial Day!!! 
*Thanks to those who have served, died serving, are serving, and will serve*

For the weekend, my sibs and cousin from West Virginia decided to visit our cousin in Houston, Texas.
I arrived on Friday afternoon after my flight was delayed for 2hours at O'Hare Int'l airport. That threw us off our planned boat cruise. We later on rented a pontoon boat and cruised the Galveston waters. 
With the host, James (cousin)

On Saturday, we went indoor go-karting and had a night out afterwards. I visited the infamous Zanzibar club; it was a fun experience, reminded me of the Shrine parties they have in Chicago with DJ DeeMoney. 

Sunday was a pretty chilled day. We hung out by the pool side, for hours then went to visit an uncle at his new home here in Houston. 
After club/bar hoping, we ended our night at Prospect Park. 

We didn't really eat out, so I can't comment on my dining experience, except for "Finger Licking" which is rumored to be the best Nigerian restaurant out here, and I must say, I was quite disappointed with their Fried Rice fix. Smh, the irony! I also tried out a Mexican spot called Chachos...they've got great food.

Today we've pretty much been lazying around and watching movies. It doesn't look like they're much into parks and day parties on Memorial Day as opposed to Chicago.
I think we'll head out to Monnalisa later tonight.

It's been a relaxing vacation so far!
