Woahhhhhh...looks like I've been away for too long.
Last week was finals week for nursing students and a few others...it was hectic, but I'm relieved now that I'm on spring break.
Got a few things to brush up, but I should be back soon.
Meanwhile, I attempted to try a mushroom style cut sew-in.
Knowing that I suck at cutting hair, I knew that I was creating room for a disastrous turnout...which it did.
After messing up my bowl, I went back to the beauty shop to get another pack of hair... took down the bowl, and redid it. It pays to know how to work your own hair ;)
Soooo...in the process of recording, my camera stopped functioning. I guess it was taking a break cos the minute I finished the hair, it started back **true story**
Anyway, I managed to take a few clips with my phone, and as soon as I'm able to put pieces together, it'll be uploaded.
Questions? Feel free to ask
Preview of the updated look ^_^ |
For those of you on break, have fun and be safe.
And others... Yours is coming soon :D
Thanks for stopping by.