Sunday, May 29, 2016

Brunch at Rosie's

I know you guys, I know. I am not very consistent; and no, blogging is not my full-time job. So I blog as time permits.
So I got back from my 10-day trip to Nigeria 3 days ago. I'll talk about that in a lengthy post.

Yesterday, May 28th, a bridal shower honoring my fab sister Rosie, took place in Chicago. It was a surprise in that she didn't know who was attending nor what was to take place. All she gave us was a theme and a date to work with. She chose Brunch at Tiffany's and I must say, that was a fun theme to recreate. This involved a lot of DIYs, so the only food we actually purchased was the cake. 
We asked our guests to come in black and dazzling jewelry (pearls).

I bought a lot of items from Etsy and Ebay, and with Sade's help, the snacks came out beautifully. (Sade is a family friend and on Rosie's bridal train).

Below are a few photos of the event

Tying those bows was a pain in the butt, but they came out beautifully 
Pretzel, strawberries, & cookies dipped in chocolate & coloring by Sade!
My sis, Amy

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