If someone had warned me about getting into nursing school...well I still would have applied.
For those of you that have friends as nursing students, or are familiar with the variations of the almost impossible, but doable grading scale, you'd know that getting 84% on a test is not much to brag about...well for me at least. Below is what my school's grading scale looks like:
93-100% A
86-92% B
76-85% C
<75% Fail (You have to retake the course).
The essence of this post you may ask?
Well, I received my final grade today for psych/mental health and boyyyy am I disappointed, again!
Again in the sense that this will the the THIRD time in my NS(nursing school) life that I'd be so close to an A. Other times have been med-surg-92.15% and Obstetrics(OB)-92.43%
Now, getting a 92% has nothing to do with me slacking, and as a matter of fact, I improved after the first test. Even after celebrating Nigerian independence the week of my third exam, to my utmost surprise, I excelled beyond my expectations!
I told my mom and friends that there's some kind of spell that needs to be broken. Seriously, jokes aside. I mean, I'd rather have 86-90% and be satisfied with the B, than be so close to an A!
I'm starting community/public health this week and I asked myself some questions...
1. Should I continue to strive in the hopes of getting an A? or,
2. Relax and end up having a satisfied B, or an A?
Only time will tell.
Don't get me wrong, I've had my share of A's, and they weren't achieved by chance.
I don't want to have yet another sets of sleepless nights, catching up last minute for projects/tests and at the end be rewarded with a 92.44% And yes, I'm a big procrastinator despite my calendar of agendas. smh*
I know they all say GPA and grades does not determine your level of *smartness* and so, jobs/hospitals do not hire you based on that. But it'll be nice to have an awesome looking transcript, don't ya think? These BEES(B's)have got to go. I've been stung enough.
Soon I'll look back on this post and smile.
Thanks for reading :)